6 Beginner Mistakes to Avoid in Stock Market Investing 1

Everyone got to start somewhere. There might be some painful and expensive lessons. Then there are times where you get lucky and learn from someone else’s mistakes. In this post, I want to go over 6 mistakes that early investors tend to make so you don’t have to. And yes, […]

4 Ways to Tackle Technical Debts

Technical debts are probably one of the greatest frustrations and demotivators for a software development team. They are unavoidable and no matter how hard you try to avoid them it will somehow find a way into the codebase. The problem with technical debt is that oftentimes the business just keeps […]

7 Tips to Be Better at Debugging Code

For most inexperienced software developers, the prime focus is on building things. They don’t put much focus on debugging as they should when the reality is that they’ll be debugging more than building new things. So, when encountered with a bug, they don’t really know how to approach it especially […]

4 Ways to Deal With Greed in the Stock Market

Greed is one of the most difficult emotions to deal with when it comes to the stock market. It can cause you to do things that you wouldn’t normally do. Remember that one time where you got greedy then when it was all over you regretted buying or selling a […]

3 Ways to Overcome Stock Investing FOMO

One of the greatest obstacles that any investor will face is FOMO (fear of missing out). At one point or another, FOMO will happen and that will lead an investor to take actions they normally wouldn’t do. Sometimes, it ends well, but other times it doesn’t and might even scar […]

4 Reasons Why You Need to Own Assets

When it comes to your personal finances, assets would make up a huge portion of your net worth. This is because fiat currency (e.g. dollar bill) shouldn’t be where all your wealth is stored. If most of your wealth is in fiat currency then I hope this post will help […]

Improve Application Responsiveness by Consuming APIs Efficiently

In today’s age of technology, many things can be done through API (application programming interface) calls to services. These services often offer a RESTful (Representational State Transfer) API set that your application can use. For example, there are APIs out there that can provide language understanding from a sentence you […]

What Is Microservice Architecture and Your Role as a Software Developer

In the past few years, microservice architecture has been getting a lot of attention. With the simplicity, scalability, and fault tolerance of microservice architecture, companies are migrating over. Chances of you encountering this software architecture will be high in the future. So, in this post, I want to briefly go […]