Key Factors to Building a Great Software Product

Building software that people want to use is difficult. There is so much more than just elegant code that goes into it. In this post, I’ll be going over some key factors that can help you build a software product that your users will love. All of this is based […]

Investing Is About Delayed Gratification

In a world where everything needs to happen close to instant, delayed gratification is a concept that is lost among many. Getting instant gratification for action is the expectation nowadays among investors in the stock market. This leads many to take profit immediately, which significantly hurts their return in the […]

Asymmetry Is the Greatest Secret to Massive Returns on Investment

If you research into how wealthy individuals get to where they are you’ll most likely find that they have made some “asymmetric bets” in their lifetime. These asymmetric bets could have been investments and/or starting their own businesses. A series of successful asymmetric bets can compound into an incredibly large […]

Risk Management Is Key to Long-Term Positive Investment Returns

When it comes to investing and trading one of the most important things is risk management. Without proper risk management, you can completely blow up your investment portfolio. Or it can lead you to have inconsistent results. It’s not a great feeling when you break even after years of investment.

Overview of High Availability in the Cloud

Running your application in the cloud is simple and easy. You don’t need to maintain your own data centers, which saves you plenty of time to focus on bringing value to your customers. However, that doesn’t mean all issues are taken care of for you. You’ll need to ensure your […]

The Art of Profit Taking

Profit taking is an acquired skill. Most early traders or investors struggle with profit taking. Sometimes, after taking profit, the price keeps going higher, making them feel like they’re missing out. Other times, they don’t take profit then the price crashes and they lose all their profits.

Key Concepts to Understand When Moving Over to the Cloud — Part 2 1

There is plenty of information to understand when it comes to moving over to the cloud. There are key concepts that focus on the big picture then there are key concepts that are application-specific. In part 1, I went over some key concepts from the big picture perspective. In this […]

How to Build and Grow Conviction in Your Investments

One of the biggest struggles for an early investor is to hold their investment through some pain. It’s not fun to see the paper value of your portfolio go down day after day for a prolonged period. After a while, it can become difficult to have faith in your investments. […]